Greenlawn Veterans Map

The Greenlawn Veterans Map project was conceived and mentored by Calantha Sears as an aid to ensure that the War Medallions and Flags are placed at the correct graves so that all Nahant Veterans are honored every Memorial Day. The Medallions are removed periodically due to cemetery lawn care and maintenance and often are misplaced or lost in the course of managing the cemetery grounds.

Producing a color-coded map of Nahant Veterans graves was the focus of several Nahant Boy Scout Troop 50 Eagle Projects. Initially begun by Rod Claussen (Eagle Scout 1992) the project was continued by Brian Baranek-Olmstead (Eagle Scout 1996), Colin Roy (Eagle Scout 2004) and finally Ted Maroney (Eagle Scout 2008). With the help and support of members of Troop 50, the scouts researched the veterans using records provided by the Town Hall, a Veterans Report from 1999, an updated 2008 Veterans Roster supplied by Mike Kairevich and verification offered by friends and family members.

Based on the collected data and rough sketches generated by Troop 50 scouts, the maps were produced by Alice Volk-Roy and are updated annually from Town Hall lists, newspaper or online obituaries, and oral testimony of family members.


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In order to maintain the accuracy of this list and resulting mapping, notification of any corrections or additions are welcome here.